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Facebook Blocking Your Pro-Black Posts

Fam! So I'm on Facebook and I post a pro-black picture. I later recieve a fb message that says "We deleted your post because it was offensive or some BS and I'm like of course other races are not going to want us to unite. They know who we are! I'm about done with fb because of the descrimination and the fact that I have to create numerous accounts to unite my family. Long story short. I joined two all black social networks and I would like if you join me. It's not fb but it is growing but more importantly....US BEFORE I. In places like this we can grow, encourage, teach and share love with one another. We need to heal from the post-slavery disease. Issues need to be talked about without the middle man. QUESTION! How does a post like this?....

Get a response like this....

and this...

So we are dangerous now? For trying to unite and educate our people? Man efff Facebook! Join me here all melinated beings without the agenda of the european supremecy. Join and

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