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That Day you Learned Real Black History

Ok for me, this is how the whole thing started. I went online one day and found a so called "conspiracy video" exposing coruption in the government. This was interesting to me so I dug a little deeper. Thats when I learned about the orgins of the "illuminati" signs. The more research I did the more I traced the symbols back to Egypt. So this quite naturally made me want to study Egypt/Ancient Kemet. I started to see pictures that looked like me and the average African-American. This made me start to study African-Americans. As soon as I type in African -American or Black people a whole slew of negativity about our men and women took over the search. This made me think to myself, if Black people are so terrible why doen't people just ignore us. Why put so much effort into a race that are such nobodies.

Why spend thousands, even millions of dollars to make us look bad on TV. Well, apparently they are trying to keep us destracted so we don't find out who we really are. If Blacks new that we built the first civilization and that people came from across the world to study our architecture, sciences and mathematics and spirituality, we would come together and unite on a level way bigger than any other race. Hell, we'd probably take over the world. I learned that there was a time to rule and a time to be ruled. Since it is the end of the "Yuga Cycle" Europeans know that their rulership is coming to an end and that it is Black man/womans turn. This is the reason why so many calandars have ended and why everyone says its the end of the world. It is the end of an age. Now it is time to enter into the Golden age.

Sadly religion does not teach us the truth about black history, If we don't know our past, we have no future. Our slave owners knew this. That is why they gave us the bible. I think it is evil and disrespectful to our ancestors to worship this god that they created in the image of themselves.The writers of the bible new damn well they took their spirituality from Aset, Ausar and Heru (Jesus) and the Ancient Kemetics.

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