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Kings And Queens Against Coonery

Most people around the world are well aware of the many negative images surrounding black people. These negative representations of blacks are readily visible and conveyed to the public through news, films, music, commercial ads and more. It’s time for black entertainers and black audiences to understand the psychological war that’s been declared on our people.

These shows are not placed on T.V for our own entertainment but for the whole world to see that these people are savage beings and they deserve to be terminated. Before they destroy a person they must destroy the character public first. This group is to call out our brothers and sisters who are misrepresenting our race, being ratchet, rapping vulgar and demeaning lyrics, disrespecting our ancestors by ignoring slavery, and the long list goes on. It is time for us to start holding black leadership accountable .

Because no matter how much they say “I’m not a role model…just an entertainer”, if you have a large following then you are a leader which means people follow you and you have an effect on their thoughts and actions and therefore you are a role model. If you see own of our family members disrespecting our race or being ratchet post them here and all over your social media so we can open this up for discussion and get our respect back as a race. If the people stop buying ratchetness, they are forced to stop making it. Let’s encourage our mis-informed brothers and sisters to stop selling out themselves, their race and the many ancestors that died for them for money.Here are some ides for tags

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