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How to Raise Your Vibration

Now is a very important time for humanity, the planet and the universe. We must change and improve the way we think, treat each other and change old fashioned systems that are pushing us into distinction.

Below is a article written by By Amy Crawford Here is a link to the full article

What is 'vibration'?

Vibration (or Universal Life Energy) is simply a method to des

cribe your overall state of wellbeing. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even solid objects are made up of vibrational energy fields, including you.

From a scientific and metaphysical perspective, you are a ‘being’ that is made up of different energy levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each of these levels has a vibrational frequency, which combine to create your overall vibration of being.

Vibrations operate at high and low frequencies, and this is true for the vibrations that occur within our beings too. Lower vibrations of being are associated with disempowering thoughts, negative emotions, poor health and lack of spiritual awareness. Higher vibrations on the other hand, are associated with empowering thoughts, positive emotions, good health and strong spiritual awareness.

To take this notion further, like attracts like. The lower your vibration, the more likely you are to attract circumstances to you that mirror this. For example, I know full well when my vibration has dropped because all areas of my life are impacted in some way. My energy might be poor or my health dodgy, sales for my eBook may drop, money may not be flowing as it should. If however your vibration is high, you are more likely to attract those positive, motivating people into your life that you desire; you are probably bouncing with energy; that job promotion you hoped for just landed; opportunities seem to fall in your lap. So how do we raise our vibration? I know it sounds complex but I'm here to tell you, it's the simplest of activities! Read on to learn how you can start attracting more positive experiences and overall abundance in your life.

8 ways to raise your vibration.

1. Become conscious of your thoughts. Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. Every single thought that comes into your head has an impact on you. For example, I spent most years of my life saying "I have to have 8 hours sleep every night or I'll become a rabbit in headlights". I had that (limiting) belief cleared during a CTC session and hey presto! As long as I get minimum 6.5 hours I ain't no rabbit! When you change those thoughts for the positive, your reality is likely to become positive too. Easier said than done in the face of adversity though right? How 'bout this, the next time a negative thought shows up in your head, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up, and then dismiss it and turn it around for the positive.

2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. Beauty is all around us, yet so often we walk around with our blinkers on. Stop rushing for a moment and take the time to stand in the sun and appreciate your surroundings.

3. Be conscious of the foods you eat. Some foods vibrate at high frequencies, and some lower (broccoli has a high vibration as do blueberries; Big Macs don't vibrate at all ;-). If you are consuming foods covered in chemicals and pesticides, or foods found within plastic packaging, it will leave you vibrating lower. Conversely, consume good quality organic produce, food as nature intended it, and feel the high vibrations disseminate throughout your body. Most importantly, pay attention to how eating certain foods make your body feel.

4. Drink water. Water is a form of energetic life force. Drinking plentiful quantities of water (filtered is best) will assist your body to flush out toxins and keep your energy levels and vibration high.

5. Meditate. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you in a peaceful state of mind. 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever.

6. Be grateful. Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don't have to what is already abundant in your life. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. For example, every night when I go to bed I write down (in a little gratitude journal) 5 things I am grateful for that day. It's such a beautiful exercise.

7. Practice acts of kindness. Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough" or "Woe is me", to "I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration. In the same vein, being kind (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a high vibration. Gossip or treat others badly and your vibration will suffer.

8. Get your blood pumping. Vibration requires movement, the more you move the better your vibrations move. So Get Active! Dance! The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.

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